How Rest, Pitch Limits Help Young Baseball Pitchers Avoid Injury
Most youth baseball organizations today limit pitch counts or require days of rest after a young pitcher’s stint on the mound — or both. And that’s a good thing. Medical research has shown that these rules are a safe way to protect the arms of these young players.
Why is diet so important for athletes?
Athletes will have different nutritional needs compared with the general public. They may require more calories and macronutrients to maintain strength and energy to compete at their optimum level.
11 Common Hip Pain and Injuries in Athletes
In the past, just about any hip pain symptom was attributed to a "muscle strain"-type injury. While this can be a very common cause of hip pain in athletes, there are many other conditions that can sideline a player as well.
Arthroscopic Surgery: Everything You Need to Know
Arthroscopic surgery, also known simply as arthroscopy, is a minimally invasive orthopedic procedure used to diagnose and treat joint problems. It involves the use of a narrow scope, called an arthroscope, and specialized surgical tools to access a joint through tiny "keyhole" incisions.
Surgical repair of FAIS a good option for adolescents
Adolescents with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) can achieve improved outcomes with arthroscopic repair, according to a new study.
Exercises to Help With Hip Tendonitis
If you have hip tendonitis, you may benefit from exercise to help relieve your pain. Exercise for hip tendonitis can help strengthen muscles, offering more support to your hip joint and improving your ability to move normally.